
Werewolf: The Apocalypse

Red Tundra, Renegade Game Studios, 2024

Scent of Decay, Renegade Game Studios, 2024

Storyteller’s Toolkit & Screen, Renegade Game Studios, 2024

Reclamation, Renegade Game Studios, 2024

The Deepest of Wounds, Renegade Game Studios, 2023

I’ve worked from 2022 as the Lead Developer for World of Darkness games at Renegade Game Studios. Some of these Werewolf: The Apocalypse titles I’ve contributed to a lot, others to a lesser degree.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse, 5th Edition

Renegade Game Studios, 2023

The 5th edition of the classic eco-horror roleplaying game. I worked on it as part of the larger writing team.

War of Ages

By Night Studios, 2023

A book about Vampire: The Masquerade and larp, presenting the world of the game from the perspective of a newcomer and including guidelines and advice for both players and people who want to run Vampire larps.

Vampire: The Masquerade

The Crimson Gutter, Renegade Game Studios, 2024

Fall of London (Renegade Reprint), Renegade Game Studios, 2024

The Book of Nod Deluxe Artifact Edition, Renegade Game Studios, 2024

Blood-Stained Love, Renegade Game Studios, 2024

Love Bites, Renegade Game Studios, 2023

Chicago By Night (Renegade Reprint), Renegade Game Studios, 2023

A Taste of the Moon, Renegade Game Studios, 2023

Last Dance At Renauld’s, Renegade Game Studios, 2023

Midnight Kiss, Renegade Game Studios, 2022

I’ve worked from 2022 as the Lead Developer for World of Darkness games at Renegade Game Studios. Some of these Vampire: The Masquerade titles I’ve contributed to a lot, others to a lesser degree.

Mahdolliset maailmat

Possible Worlds, Lasten ja nuorten säätiö, 2022

A roleplaying game about reclamation teams seeking to help tiny microsocieties in a postapocalyptic Finland, designed for youth work. It’s available here as a free download.

Distance of Touch

Pohjoismaisen roolipelaamisen seura, 2022

A magazine about Nordic larp, published at the Knutpunkt 2022 conference. Available here as a free PDF.

Tuntematon tulevaisuus 2052

Unknown Future 2052, Lasten ja nuorten säätiö, 2022

A quickstart for the roleplaying game Mahdolliset maailmat, designed for youth work. It’s available here as a free download.

Engines of Desire

Pohjoismaisen roolipelaamisen seura, 2021

A collection of essays about larp. More here, including information about alternate editions.

Bad Sex: The Roleplaying Game

Pohjoismaisen roolipelaamisen seura, 2020

A roleplaying game about bad sex. More here, including information about alternate editions and covers as well as the supplement Bad Sex Deck.


Serlachius Museums / Parvs, 2019

A roleplaying game about a future long after the fall of humanity. Designed by Matthew Day Jackson, developed by me, with world and story design by Tom Morton. More here.

Here’s a HS article about the game.

Vampire: the Masquerade, 5th Edition

White Wolf, 2018

A roleplaying game of personal horror. I contributed chapters to the core and Camarilla books and was the lead writer for the Anarch book. Available here.


Copper Bull, Into, 2018

A novel about class war in a world defined by climate change. Second in the Rikkaiden unelmat trilogy. Available here.

Tuhannen viillon kuolema

Death By a Thousand Cuts, Into, 2017

A novel about global warming and class war, first in the Rikkaiden unelmat trilogy. Available here. Also published as an audiobook, available here.

Tšernobyl, rakastettuni – Roolipeli rakkaudesta ja radioaktiivisuudesta

Chernobyl Mon Amour, Pohjoismaisen roolipelaamisen seura, 2016

A roleplaying game I designed about love and radioactivity in the Chernobyl Zone of Alienation. Available here in Finnish and here in English translation.

Life Under Occupation: a documentation book for the larp Halat hisar

Pohjoismaisen roolipelaamisen seura, 2014

Halat hisar is a larp organized in 2013, where I acted as the producer. I also edited the documentation book, available here as a free download.


Sugar Samurai, 2013, Into

Sokerisamurai is a novel about pop music and sadomasochism. Here’s the book on the publisher’s website. Here’s a fake website created for the band Sugar Samurai, the main characters in the book.

States of Play: Nordic Larp Around the World

2012, Pohjoismaisen roolipelaamisen seura

States of Play is a collection of articles about larp and roleplaying. It’s the official book for the Solmukohta conference of 2012. Edited by me, it collects articles by the leading game designers, theorists and writers of the Nordic countries. More at the publisher’s website. Available as a free PDF download here.

Unelma Keltaisesta kuninkaasta ja muita tanskalaisia roolipelejä

A Dream of a King in Yellow and other Danish roleplaying games, 2011, Pohjoismaisen roolipelaamisen seura

Unelma Keltaisesta kuninkaasta is a collection of twelve Danish roleplaying games translated into Finnish. I edited it together with Kristoffer Apollo and Tobias Wrigstad. More at the publisher’s website. Available at Fantasiapelit.



Playground is a larp arts magazine published in Norway for four issues. I was an editor.

Ikuisuuden laakso

The Valley of Eternity, 2009, Pohjoismaisen roolipelaamisen seura

Ikuisuuden laakso is my first roleplaying game. Its a tragic game of penguins driven to heroic deeds and shunned by their conservative, family-oriented brethren. More at the publisher’s website. Available at the webstore Boostep and at Fantasiapelit.

The game has been published in Danish as Evighedens dal in 2011 by Rollespilsakademiet and in English as Valley of Eternity in 2012 by Vagrant Workshop. The English version is available here both in print and as a PDF.


2009-2011, Domirola Oy

Kulttuurivihkot is a venerable leftist magazine covering literature, the arts, politics and other related fields. I was an editor for eleven issues.


The Roleplayer, 2007-2009, Riimuahjo Oy

Roolipelaaja is a newstand magazine about roleplaying games as well as larp, board games, card games and other geekery. I was the editor in chief for issues 10-23.


The Roleplaying Manifesto, 2005, Like

A non-fiction book about what roleplaying games are and how to make one.

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