10 minuuttia aikaa jäi yli…

(Kuva: Matti Näränen. Lyhytelokuvan Pyhää maata kuvauksista.) Olin mukana joukkueessa, joka osallistui Uneton48-lyhytelokuvakilpailuun. Ideana oli tehdä lyhäri alusta loppuun 48 tunnin kuluessa. Ohjasin elokuvan yhdessä vaimoni Maria Petterssonin kanssa, ja olimme eilen illalla Andorrassa palauttamassa luomustamme yhdessä tuottajamme Elina Lindroosin kanssa. Palautustiskillä oli kuumottava laskuri. Olin itse paikalla ensimmäisenä, koska Continue Reading

Uneton 48

I’m in a team participating in a short film competition called Uneton 48. The idea is to make a film in 48 hours about a subject you only get to know at the beginning. In our case, Mike Pohjola wrote the script on Friday night, and we shot yesterday with Continue Reading


Ropecon is over for now. I saw a lot of interesting programs, didn’t manage to see a lot of stuff I’d wanted to, and held a few program items of my own. My Roolipelaaja presentation experienced almost insurmoutable technical difficulties, but my larp Lumimyrsky (Snowstorm) went well. I’ll put up Continue Reading

Flour and Circus

(The images on the top row are from the larp Luminescence. The photos on the bottom row, by Silvére, are from the performance Bouffe c’que j’te donne.) I’ve put up documentation for the last pieces listed in the Works page in the right sidebar, the larp Luminescence I did with Continue Reading

Plastic Cup Documentation

I’ve put up the documentation from my larp the Plastic Cup, played twice earlier this year. You can see the links to the material on the right sidebar. There’s an overview of the game, photos and written material distributed to the players, as well as PDF files both in English Continue Reading

Plastic Cup update

The pre-game meet for the Plastic Cup larp will be at the main railway station in Helsinki, inside, under the big timetables, at 13:30. (The game will be on Thursday the 3rd of April.) We’ll go together to the game location. The local train we’ll use leaves a few minutes Continue Reading

Salainen Muovikuppi-update

Muovikuppi-larpista on myös salainen VIP-pelautus samana päivänä kuin tuo julkinenkin. Kello 14:00 avoin pelautus on englanniksi, kello 18:00 samana päivänä oleva bonuspelautus on suomeksi. Siinä saattaa olla vähän tilaakin, joten kaikki suomenkielentaitoiset, jos haluatte mukaan, mailatkaa mulle jlp at iki dot fi tänään tai huomenna niin katson, jos saan nimen Continue Reading

Muovikuppi (The Plastic Cup)

A larp by Juhana Pettersson. Don’t you just want to break things, sometimes? Set in the familiar world of modern international life, Plastic Cup features the violent rupturing of family and friendship in a fight for nostalgia and the warm glow of childhood. It’s a catharctic game where frustrations explode Continue Reading